Fort Lauderdale Dog Trainers | Fort Lauderdale K9 Training | Fort Lauderdale Police Dogs for Sale
U.S. K-9 Academy in Miami and its sister company DOG WORKS K-9 have been pioneers in the detector dog business in the South Florida area for almost 25 years.
Dog Works K-9 was granted permission by U.S. Customs in the early nineties to conduct Narcotics K-9 searches at Miami International Airport, assisting passenger and cargo airlines in their Narcotics Interdictions efforts.
The company has been responsible for numerous drug seizures since commencing their operation. Other companies such as Coca Cola Bottling, Sara Lee, United Transfer (UTI), Krull & Associates, Holland & Knight, Caterpillar, to name a few, have also contracted our firms to conduct Narcotic searches.
Why Narcotics Canine searches? Simple. Let's face it – we all know how much time and money, as well as liability, a company can waste if their employees use or sell drugs at the workplace. The production level drops and the rate of theft and accidents increase. Did you know that you as a business owner would be responsible if a worker under the influence of Narcotics causes a fellow employee to be injured or dismembered while at work? The answer is YES. You are responsible for the safety and well being of your employees while at their work place.
No matter how small or large, we can offer your company canine drug searches of the work areas, lockers, parking lot, etc. This can be conducted during hours of operation or after hours. Our K-9 teams are certified professionals who do nothing but work their dogs full-time. It is proven that adding canine drug searches to your DRUG FREE WORK PLACE is beneficial all around. All of our work is on a strictly confidential basis.
CALL US TODAY for a free evaluation of your business and we will prepare the right program for you…
After September 11, 2001, U.S. K-9 has been called upon to conduct Explosives Detection K-9 work by many institutions and police departments. We can provide your business, school, aircraft, vessels, with professional Explosives Canine Detection teams, one time or on a contract basis. Nothing is more portable or cost effective than a well-trained K-9 team. CALL US TODAY to discuss your specific needs.
Call us today for information about our Dog Training in Miami.